Now u tell me WHAT'S WRONG with this pictures..don't worry ill wait(in katt williams voice)..somebody smack this hoe.
okay so we ALL know he fine(Had to get that out the way so NOW I can tawk shit) lol. So he went on Wendy Williams show I think..Monday & if you watch Wendys show YOU KNOW she gon ask ANY & EVERYTHING so of course she asked him about only having 3 black girls on his show. He said something to the effect that his perference is his perference & people shouldn't judge him because his perference is different y'all should support him blah blah blah (dnt give a fuck). NOW. did ya'll see the white & mexican broads?!? them bitches wasn't even cute like NIGGA if u gon date a different race get a BAD BITCH this nigga got hoes in there that look like they TOO MUCH work done,like NONE of them were cute..I'm sittin there like "You got to be KIDDING ME" smh..now THAT'S a disappointment. Anywho word through the grapevine is that he ain't pick none of them hoes and went back to his baby mother of his two girls..(she's blk) I don't know I don't CARE lol YYOO did u know this nigga had four kids?! 3 baby mamas..he can keep that shit..cuz unless he got them broad in check I'm good..y'all got it LOL
That's a funny ass picture.. lmao! naa but seriously..her going to jail ISN'T gonna stop her from drinking! When she get out she's just going to go back to her own ways.If she wants alcohol she's gonna get it, if she wants cocain she's gonna get it because she got money like that, & because SHE doesn't see anything wrong with them. As TIRED,PALE & retarded she looks. she doesn't see the drugs effecting her. WE DO but SHE doesn't. So with that said UNTIL she wants help to better her life..noone can do it but herself. We can push and tug all we want. She's gotta make the first attempt. DAMMIT her mama & daddy ain't too much worried about it why should we? SMDH white people news lol
I'm so sick of hearin about this nigga man. Y'all act like this is the first time some fucked up sideways shit done came outta his mouth.Of course he's racist! Dduuhh! ya'll actin like its a surprise. I don't really trip because I know if the RIGHT nigga catch his ass ALONE(no cameras fukk bodyguards) he gon get his ass whooped. That's a given. What's messed up is him putting his hands on his recent babys mother. I KNOW I KNOW I ain't say the same thing about Chris & Rihanna that's because I felt the circumstances were different. They said Chris BIT her. U only BITE when u are truly scared(& that island chick is crazy"Russian Roulette") but Mel Gibson's new baby mama is like 125 to this old ass white man what is she REALLY gonna do but prolly throw somethin at him? come on now LET'S END THE MADDNESS! Stop him from seein his kid(because he CRAZY),put him in jail for the domestic dispute,and MOVE THE FUCK ON..next!
WHO GIVES A FUCK?! lol like forreal..she's already gotten pregnant and had his baby..why not make an honest woman & mother out of herself and give the baby a family? So the fuck what they kept it a secert & didn't want the media to know. THIS is probably exactly why! I don't know how old she is..but she probably 18 now..even if she's not as long as she gets her mothers blessing its to hell with what the media has to say..OH.THE.FUCK.WELL. leave them damn kids alone.. grown ass people nosey as fuck smdh